西非拥有超过4.25亿人口,在未来20年里, 该地区预计将占全球人口增长的约15%. 西非的GDP增长了4%.2021年为3%,预计2022年和2023年将稳定在4%以上. A dynamic region with great potential for Swedish companies thanks to the rapid urbanisation and technological development. 在下面对我们西非区域经理的简短采访中了解更多信息, Anthonia Adenaya howard.


西非 is quickly evolving and is one of the remaining regions in the world undergoing a demographic transition. 随着机会的扩大, 年轻人口, 妇女站在各种经济活动的最前沿, 并且是手机和数字技术使用增长最快的国家之一, 经济增长的舞台已经搭建好. 西非 is the EU's largest trading partner in sub-Saharan 非洲 and most important investment destination in 非洲. 欧盟随后成为西非最大的贸易伙伴. 不过, 该地区仍面临着影响这一进展的若干挑战, 但对于那些愿意学习和理解该地区复杂性的人来说, 这里有成长和成功的机会.

是有弹性的 & 适应当地需要

西非在许多领域为日博备用网站公司提供了许多机会, 比如数字技术, 能源, 医疗保健, 运输, 和基础设施. 加纳 and 尼日利亚 are important trade partners for 日博备用网站 in 非洲 both in terms of import and export. 充分利用令人印象深刻的城市化速度和增长领域, it is recommended to identify suitable areas for growth based on countries and cities rather than on the whole region. A suitable approach is to map out the business landscape via a market analysis/ intelligence to understand local customer needs and best communication channels to reach target audiences.


Swedish companies wanting to expand to 西非 can count on the network and advice of our Swedish and local teams in 摩洛哥 and 尼日利亚. 西非小组负责16个国家,重点是尼日利亚等国家, 加纳, Côte科特迪瓦和塞内加尔. 卡萨布兰卡(摩洛哥)办事处是西非的中心, and there is a close collaboration with our offices in Nairobi (肯尼亚) and Johannesburg (南非).


Anthonia Adenaya howard

西非区域经理 & 运输实践引领非洲

西非是一个经济和人口快速发展和增长的地区. 它也是人口最多的地区, a very fast-growing middle class (4 to 5 per cent per year similar to the urban growth) and has the highest GDP in 非洲. 该地区的经济体在发展的许多方面都各不相同.e., 尼日利亚 being the largest economy in 非洲 while 几内亚-Bissau is one of the poorest in the world. 西非的经济表现是由少数几个国家推动的, of which all of them are located along the coastal line (“Coastal 西非”); Benin, 科特迪瓦, 加纳, 几内亚, 尼日利亚, 塞内加尔, 和多哥. 预计未来几年,这些日博备用网站的增长率将超过6%. 此外,在16个西非国家中,有10个国家实现了高增长和高韧性.

The transitioning population figures and economic growth in 西非 induces a huge market potential for foreign investors. 正如与欧盟的贸易所示, 这些国家中有许多对高质量和具有成本效益的解决方案感兴趣. A variety of public/ private projects are financed by aid, development banks and donor organisations.

Cultural differences are smaller than you might think at first glance with five countries as 英语 speaking while even the French speaking countries have the business sector being bilingual to benefit from international trade.

数字技术和创新的跨越式发展给日博备用网站企业带来了机遇, 医疗保健, 可再生能源, 交通基础设施.


在发展中日博备用网站工作总是意味着一定程度的风险. 由于经济波动较大,商业环境并不总是完全稳定. 像埃博拉这样的事件, 政治和选举动乱, 大宗商品价格上涨和新冠疫情引发谨慎. The political instability is further exacerbated by conflicts induced by violent terrorist groups in the Sahel region with Mali, 布吉纳法索, 尼日尔, and the Northwestern state of 尼日利亚 being the most hit of the current security crisis in the region.

合规方面也存在挑战, 比如腐败, 欺诈, 以及获取所有权信息的困难, 会计, 和流程. 付款条件并不总是符合欧洲人的期望.

另一方面, 西非沿海国家的政治局势相对改善. Having strong local partners and close control on local 操作 are necessary to manage the risks.


英语-speaking 西非n countries are less formal and have similar business culture to 日博备用网站 while French-speaking 西非n countries are more formal with influences from 法国. 在两个维度上, market presence is important since strong business relationships are mostly created through personal contacts and physical meetings. 坚定的承诺, 专注于日博备用网站, 对伴侣的信任是非常值得赞赏的品质. 表达你的信任被视为对你的合作伙伴的服务的认可, 可靠性, 以及遇到问题时的支持.

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